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We now offer a variety of language programmes

In 2021 we added an English programme to our summer season.

We provide English lessons in partnership with a well established English School based in Dublin. English classes in partnership with immersion with our English speaking students and speaking staff creates the perfect environment to improve your English skills.

“Absolutely superb week! Very well organised great coaching and facilities. The boys improved massively as a team thanks to the time available to coach and the quality of coaching received. The multi activities that the lads took part in were fantastic and helped the boys develop a good team spirit. I would recommend anyone to go and will hopefully be returning myself in October with our U15.”

Sean Holden Master i/c Rugby, Sevenoaks School

We are currently building out our Spanish language camps for 2023.

In 2023 we are working to offer a Spanish language camp in addition to our French and English programmes. If you are interested in our Spanish offerings please register your interest by clicking below.

“It was the encouragement, training ,belief and confidence building from Nigel and his coaches in France that changed my son’s mindset so drastically and he now had a real belief that he could be as good as any of his peers and that he had untapped talented as a player.”

— Parent, 2018